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eGUIDE: Postpartum Grace Guide - Digital Version

DIGITAL VERSION of a Day-by-Day Message & Journal for the First Six Weeks of Motherhood

RECOMMENDED: Download a copy and print day-by-day or have spiral bound at a local print shop.

eGUIDE: Postpartum Grace Guide - Digital Version

  • The Postpartum Grace Guide is a book designed to help new mamas with the postpartum/motherhood transition.


    For the first six weeks of motherhood, new moms will read a short daily message and answer a couple of journal prompts. There are also opportunities to "adult color" and utilize expressive writing throughout the guide.


    Sprinkled throughout the journal are words of wisdom from other "real life" moms about their postpartum experiences, words of encouragement, how the set boundaries, and more. New moms will never be alone.


    This guide has it all!



    Journaling has been shown to help decrease stress, depression, and/or anxiety. It helps you gain control of your emotions and improve your overall mental health, a critical piece of the puzzle during the early sleep-deprived days of motherhood.

    Each day in the journal includes 2-3 journal prompts for new moms to complete. Reading (or listening to) the content + journaling will take less than 15 minutes a day.



    Expressive writing, or stream of consciousness writing, is a free form way to journal. You simply write what is in your heart and head without regard to spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. There are no prompts, simply let it flow.

    Included at the end of each week are two pages for new moms to simply enjoy the benefits of expressive writing.



    The guide is beautifully designed with a simple and clean black and white theme. Thoughout the guide are flower bouquets that may be used as "adult coloring pictures." Adult coloring helps to relax and ease the mind, reducing stress and anxiety.



    We can draw a parallel between blooming flowers and new mothers. With attention and care, flowers are able to bloom into their full potential, making the world around them more joyful. Similarly, when we support and care for new mothers, they can heal from pregnancy and childbirth, and grow into patient and confident mothers.

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